Saturday, January 08, 2005

Staying out for the summer

Message from Antonio
Received 02:22 GMT

Mr Fish,
I hope Jimmy Carr abused you for your stupid question. Personally I would prefer a Randy Moose whose intention would be for love making rather than death. I suppose love making with a randy moose might actually equate with death but you never know, it could be enjoyable.
When are you coming over here? You can stay with us guys, the couple i am living with haven't had they're honeymoon yet and I know their planning it for late summer next year. You could maybe come out then, even with Solanio and Juliet perhaps cos there is plenty of room. A thought for you to mull over.
I have a trip home planned for this summer sometime for a couple of weeks to watch the ashes, that will be cool. Hopefully by then you will have forgiven Bassanio for the incident in the club.
I have sent xmas presents for you, Solanio and Juliet back with my parents. You should go round and pick them up whenever you fancy. The presents are not much, I thought I'd get you all something not easily bought back home, hence the ornamental nature of the gifts. But don't thank me too much for them, they really aren't that great. In fact you may find that yours is against your religious beliefs, I've only just thought of that.
Don't worry, its not hardcore drugs.