Sunday, January 09, 2005

The beatings will continue until moral improves

Message from Lorenzo
Sent 08:45 GMT

Hey Antonio,
It has been a quiet weekend, and I spent some time reflecting on the possible change of job. During my reflecting I have come to realise that I am unhappy. I know my head has dropped a little. The confidence in my walk, my conversation and I am sure my eyes has diminished. There was a lot, too much confidence perhaps, but now I am running on empty. I think it has only now that I realised I am human and I need to be loved, just like everyone else does. Feels weird, like when superman gave up his powers and got beat up in that diner and whats worse people have begun to notice, the crimefighting HQ staff have brought it to my attention. Lack of confidence further manifested itself following me fucking up at work. In heated debate with a naughty person, with big voice, I said

"I am no novice and my words are gospel,
you will obey me or my retribution will be swift,
my vengeance is furious,
I am the law"

I was wrong.