Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Two timing touch and broken bones

Message from Lorenzo
Sent 12:47 GMT

Unfortunately Jessica could not go to the gig and big Bassanio could only make it late evening so i asked Nessia. She is really funny as well as knowing how to party so was the perfect choice. I was not going to mention it as it is no big deal and its not like it was a date.
...anyway, outside the gig I bumped into my mentor and her partner so my, not so much of a secret, is out. I was going to let Jessica know but I had not got round to it. Now this could go one of many ways but do bear in mind I have done nothing wrong. I did not think going to the gig could bring possible awkward consequences.
How did that happen?
It was just a gig.

Maybe next time i will go to the gig alone.
The floozy