Sunday, October 17, 2004

Holiday in Bognor Regis

Message from Lorenzo,
Sent 21:21 GMT

Hey old friend,
Sorry for the slow response, i have been living it up in Bognor Regis for work. Have to go another 5 times before the academic year is out but i had a great time. It was a lot of fun. The only downside was the sudden awakening for the caffine restricted light sleep at approximately 5am. There was a noise outside the room which can only be described as the ritual sacrifical of a small bunny followed by daubing of blood around my window frame. I was told that i was paranoid. But that does not mean that people are not following/watching me or killing animals outside my room.

Things are cool with Jessica. I am lucky to call her a good friend.
No tickets for the York snooker but i do have tickets for Athlete, Snow Patrol and Rem for summer 2005. I am now entering a ticket buying frenzy which will result in heavy consumption of red bull on every night followed by inevitable insomina likely to last through the weekend and will probably end as i am driving to work on a monday morning where i will yeild to the sweet call of sleep on my comfy comfy car seat.

That does not compare to snooker in any way but i thought i would share that with you anyway. How is the job/life in the east? all you hoped for? dont build it up too much otherwise i will be on the next flight over.

Lots of Love