Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Message from Lorenzo
Sent 10:08 GMT

Hey Antonio,
Athlete were fantastic, the songs were really moving and, although not as much jumping around like a crazy, I still had a great time. Best bit. Nerissa sitting on my shoulders during Vehicles and Animals in order to get a decent view when it looked like Diana Ross came and stood infront of us. It was a cheap night out as well. Left the house with £40, bought some drinks, paid £10 to get Nerissa and I into a bar and got home with £34 in my pocket. How cheap am I?

Anyway, I got a text from Jessica while I was out and we tried to meet up as she was partying in the big city as well. After traveling around and missing each other from one bar to the next we finally found each other (close to a previous interesting night out) at around 01:30 and even though I had been to a great gig, had great company all night, been to some cracking bars (including the piano bar) my memory of the night is when Jessica saw that I had turned up to see her and the smile on her face. I have felt warm and contented since that moment.